Hours Accrual FAQ

Related Topics

Organizational Setup for PTO/Attendance

Attendance Tracking with Accruals

Paying Paid Time Off

Payroll Calendar


Accrual Levels

Hours Accrual Min/Max

In This Topic

Accrued Hours on Pay Statements (Optional)

To include hours accrual information, select the option to print on check from the benefit Hours Accrual Codes table for the benefit hours or accrual hours plan.

Accrued Hours and Detail Records

Payroll processing can update related fields on benefits detail records, such as the Current Hours Accrued and Total Hours Accrued entries, and on employee earnings detail when hours for the earning are paid.

Manually Updating Benefit Available Hours (Optional)

Manually updating an employee's benefit available hours doesn't update the earnings detail. Instead, manually key the available hours on the employee benefit detail and on the employee earnings detail.

What date does the hours-accrual process use?

The date used is defined on the benefit hours accrual codes table in combination with the employee's effective dates, and the payroll calendar's pay period.

A payroll calendar's pay period must include the relevant hours-accrual date to cause the update of hours-accrual. The pay run date and the check date aren't used in the hours-accrual process. The hours accrual process uses the payroll period begin and end dates to determine whether the defined calculations should process for a given payroll calendar. In addition, the "Process Hours Accruals" flag must be selected. The process is not retroactive.

What is the schedule for hours-accrual calculations?

Your organization can define the accrual schedule for each Hours Accrual Code in the "Accrual Calculation" section.

Refer to the instructions on "Hours Accrual Setup" for additional information. Another consideration is when, and if, the accrued hours reset.

How are rate levels determined?

Accrual rate levels are based on comparing the employee's months of service, which equals the pay period end date subtracted by the accrual begin date (according to the relevant employment date from the hours accrual setup and the employee's employment dates), by the values in the "Less than or Equal Months" column on the hours accrual code. The Annual Rate in the applicable row defines the number of hours that the employee can accrue on an annual basis. The amount to update the accrual hours (if any) is then calculated and applied according to the calculation and reset rules.

 What do the employment dates effect?

The Benefit Service Date determines the employee’s benefit service anniversary, which is used to reset accrued hours to zero by any policy with "Benefit Svc Anniversary" selected.

The Adjusted Hire date on the employee Employment tab determines the adjusted hire date (selection AH), which can be selected for length-of-service calculations and optionally to reset accrued hours. When a hire date is used in the accrual calculation, the following applies:


What is the difference between the accrual totals on PAY00541 and PAY00514?

The Reporting Period Benefit Hours report (PAY00541) provides a pay period by pay period picture of what the employee took and accrued and carries out the accrual to two decimal places for the pay period. The balance is reported in the "Total Acc. Hours." In contrast, the Payroll Hours Accrual Report (PAY00514) carries the accrual to four decimal places.

PTO data entry error was made in a previously posted payroll.

Question:  We entered PTO hours by mistake in the last payroll, and we need to fix the PTO accruals. We paid two employees PTO hours on the last payroll, but my boss now wants them to be regular pay (amount of pay does not change). Should I process a demand payroll to void both paychecks and pay the employees their regular pay? I tried to enter negative PTO hours in the current payroll, and then offset the negative with regular pay hours. It seemed to work at first, but then the extra hours showed up as pay in the payroll run. Now what?

Answer: Instead of voiding the payrolls because of a PTO change, just adjust the available balance of the PTO record on the affected Employee Benefits Detail records.

No negative balance of hours will accrue.

If the Verify Available Hours indicator is selected but not the Pay Hours in Arrears indicator on an Earnings Code for paid time- off, the system is designed to verify accrued hours and only pay up to the amount accrued.

The accrued hours balance did not update and the Hours did not print on the check.

As part of the setup of an Earnings Code for paid time-off, the Verify Available Hours indicator should be selected to allow the available hours to be printed on the check and allow the balances to update as part of payroll processing and posting.

On the Earnings Codes Table, if the code for paid time-off doesn't have Verify Available Hours selected it will pay; however, it won't print available hours on the check and the balance won't update.

Attendance records were not automatically created.

Question: We paid 16 hours of Sick Pay to an employee on 3/20 and we paid 4 hours of Vacation Pay on 3/25 both Demand Payrolls and I elected to Process Benefits on the Payroll Calendar Ids. Both the Benefit Detail and Earnings Detail records updated, but no Attendance Detail record was created. I looked at the validation codes in the validation tables related to sick pay: Hours Accrual Codes, Benefit Plans, Earning Codes, and Attendance Codes. What did I miss?"

Answer: The Earnings Codes used to pay the hours for the Sick Pay and the Vacation Pay must have Attendance Codes selected in order for Attendance Detail records to be created when the earning is paid.

It is the payroll posting process that creates an Employee Attendance Detail record when PTO earnings are paid on an earning that has an Attendance Code selected. This process does not populate the dates in the Period of Absence section on the Attendance Detail record, and access to the Attendance Detail screen is restricted to certain login roles.

An Attendance Detail record will not be created until after the payroll has been processed and posted.