
Related Topics

Open an attachment

Add an attachment

Delete an attachment

On records that accept attachments, an Attachments icon is available on the screen's toolbar and provides access to the Attachment Manager.

The Attachments icon shows a push-pin with a yellow note. Whether any attachment is attached to a record can be seen by the size of the note and the words of the tip text.

Versions of the Attachments Icon

No Notes/Attachments Icon Display Notes/Attachments Icon
The "No notes/attachments" icon allows files to be attached when the record is in edit mode. The "Display notes/attachments" icon allows existing attachments to be opened or deleted, and additional files can be attached to the record when the record is in edit mode.

Use the Attachment Manager to manage attachments.

Files can be up to ten (10) Megabytes and can have any of the following file extensions : .doc, .gif, .jpg, pdf, .ppt, .txt, .xls, or .zip.

Attachment Manager without Attachments

Where it's used:

Most popularly, organizations attach scanned paperwork to employee records. Optionally, employers can have employee photos attached to the Employee Master for display on the online Demographics tab and on the company organization chart. Refer to Demographic Employee Photo for instructions.

Attachment Troubleshooter

These employee detail screens lack the Attachment Manager:  Employee Pay Rates Detail, Employee ESS Pin Detail (ESS Users Table), and the Employee Tax Detail.