Performance Profile Details



Performance Profile screen shot

To create a new profile:

  1. Click on  the large Add icon.
  2. Define a Performance Profile Code.
  3. Performance Profile Name.
  4. Select a Rating Scale Template.
  5. Save.

To add a goal to a profile:

  1. Click on the small Add icon.
  2. Define the Performance Goal.
  3. Select the Organization Objective.
  4. Enter the Goal Description.
  5. Optionally, define Measures to coach reviewers on how to measure the goals.
  6. Adjust the rating scale text as needed.
  7. Select the target rating.
  8. Enter the Weighting %.  For instance, enter 20% as 20.
  9. Save.
  10. Add additional goals as needed.  



To edit the Performance Profile Name for an existing Performance Profile Code, select that code on the main Performance Profiles screen, and click on the large Edit icon.  Adjust the Performance Profile Name as needed, and Save.

To edit a performance goal, click on the small Add icon for the goal, make changes as needed, and save.