Rating Profile Details


To add a complete Employee Review Rating profile, add a minimum of two items: a new code for the Employee Review Rating Profile and a Category.

  1. To add an Employee Review Rating Profile code, click on the large Add icon. Define a Rating Profile Code, Rating Profile Name, and select a Rating Scale. Save.

Add a New Rating Profile

  1. To add a new category to a rating profile, click on the small Add icon under the blue bar. Enter a Rating Category name.  Adjust the Rating Scale text as needed. Save.

The Rating Profile code determines the number of items on the rating scale for the category.

Add a New Category for the Employee Rating Profile

Add additional categories as needed.

Edit a Employee Review Rating Profile or Categories

Optionally, to edit the Rating Profile Name for an existing profile, select that code on the main Profile screen, and click on the large Edit icon.  Adjust the Rating Profile Name as needed, and Save. No other entries on a Rating Profile code are editable, so if a different scale or code is needed, define a new Rating Profile code.

To edit a rating Category, click on the small Edit icon next to that category.  Adjust the entries as needed, and save.