Restore Time or Delete Auto Pays


-  Timesheet Preferences

1. Employee Timesheets

2. Pay Period Time

3. Weekly Timesheets for managers

4. Process Hours
 Restore Time

The Process Hours tool can be used to delete previously created auto-pays and/or to un-process time records from the self service timesheets.

  1. Payroll Calendar.  First, navigate to the Process Hours tool, and select the Payroll Calendar.
  2. Check Code (required).  Select a Check Code.
  3. Select the appropriate indicators for undo processing.

Delete Auto Pays by Check Code for a Payroll Calendar.  If you need to delete the auto pays created for the payroll calendar, select the Delete Auto Pays checkbox. Having only the Delete Auto Pays checkbox selected causes the Payroll Calendar's auto pays with the selected Check Code to be deleted when you click on the Finish button.

"Unprocessing Time" Restores Timesheet Records.  To prepare to restore timesheet time for a Payroll Calendar, select Unprocess Time Records checkbox. Optionally, also delete the auto pays for the Payroll Calendar by selecting the Delete Auto Pays checkbox.

Both (deleting auto pays and un-processing time with the same process). If you select the Unprocess Time Records checkbox selected and the Delete Auto Pays checkbox, when you process the hours, all the auto pays for the Payroll Calendar will be deleted, and the weekly timesheet records for the Payroll Calendar are restored and unapproved time becomes editable.

  1. Finish.  To run the selected process, verify the selected Payroll Calendar and click on Finish.