Talent Profile Details


Rating Profiles

Add a Talent Profile and One or More Competencies

Add an Employee Talent Profile code, and then add one or more Competency items (for a defined Competency Code).

Rating Profiles: On-Screen Instructions when No Profile Exists

  1. To create a new Employee Talent Profile, click on the large Add icon.  Define a Talent Profile Code, Talent Profile Name, select a Rating Scale, and enter a Target Average Rating. Save.

Add the First Talent Profile

Add the First Talent Profile

  1. To add a Competency to the Talent Profile:
    1. Click on the small Add icon found under the blue bar and to the left of the talent profile code.
    2. Select the Competency code. If you need another Competency or need to review the competency, click on the ellipses button next to the Competency field.
    3. Define the Target Rating from 1 to 5.
    4. Enter the percentage weighting as the Weighting %. For instance, 25% is entered as 25.00.
    5. Define or adjust the rating scale.
    6. Save.

Add the First Competency to the Talent Profile

Add the First Competency to the Talent Profile

  1. Add additional Competencies as needed.
  2. Per Talent Profile, confirm:

What's next?  For an employee, the employee Talent Profile is found on the primary Employee Position Detail and on the employee's Assignment tab. The Talent Profile is on the Position Code level.

Edit a Talent Profile

Optionally, to edit the Talent Profile Name or Target Average Rating for an existing profile, select that code on the main Profile screen, and click on the large Edit icon.  Adjust the Talent Profile Name and/or Target Average Rating, and Save.