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Location Codes

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About Codes

Labor Segment 2 Codes

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Standard, location-wide information should be recorded for a location Code. At least one Location Code is required for every Company. Location codes correlate to the "tier one" level, which is the level between companies and departments.

Location Codes and Contact Resource Codes provide location information for employee self-service.

When accessed online, the Location Codes table doesn't display it's payment information section.

Constraint: Users cannot delete a Location record or change the code value if it is assigned to employees or if it was assigned to employees at the time that payrolls were posted.

Location, Tier 1, and Labor Segment 1 often refer to the same units and are often completed with the same codes and descriptions, but each is a separate Validation Table. Most notably, Labor Segment 1 codes are not required to be equivalent to the Location Codes but can be defined to match.

To make across the board changes to "Tier 1," edit the related information on the Location Codes Table and save the changes. Completing or changing a record on the Location Codes Table triggers the location code data to migrate to the Tier 1 Codes Table. In the organizational chart, Location Codes correlate to Tier 1 level codes. However, Tier 1 information does not migrate to the Location Codes Table.

Note: For "Tier 1" of the organization, any changes must be completed on the Location Codes Table to avoid potentially orphaning payroll records from the appropriate Location Codes. The Tier 1 Codes Table automatically populates based on additions and changes on the Location Codes Table. This migration is one-way. The codes migrate from the Location Codes to Tier 1 Codes, but tier 1 information does not migrate to the Location Codes Table.

Business Scenario

Where applicable, state worksite reporting reports on location information.

Optionally, bank account payment information can be defined per Location Code. Multiple location codes are used to separate bank accounts for payroll payments per unit and avoid multiple Company Code records with identical EIN numbers. Where no bank account information is defined on the Location Codes Table record, payment accounts defined for the employee’s Company Code record are referenced.

Organizations can report by location, and many payroll reports are grouped by location. For example, the Payroll Register can be sorted by location by selecting the proper tier code for grouping. The tier filtering is found on the second tab of the selection criteria window that displays when you generate the Payroll Register report.