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Salary Allocations to Locations

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Payroll Distribution Setup

Activating a Split

Detailed Pay Entry

Assigned Labor Distributions

Organization Tab

Pay Rates Detail

To allocate a salary over multiple locations, complete the following.

  1. Define the locations as Labor Segment 1 Codes on the Labor Segment 1 validation table.
  2. Per employee, set up a Pay Rate Detail record for each split with the following: Labor Segment 1 as the location; the FTE Allocation as the split percentage for that location; and Split Payroll Distr marked for each Pay Rate record to be included in the split.
  3. Enter Time Records to Activate the Split Allocation. To activate the Position or Pay Rate distribution functions during Time Entry, a Labor Segment 1 Code must be defined in your system as SPLIT. For each employee you wish to be allocated in this manner, enter each time record with Labor Segment 1 value of SPLIT. For employees who should always be allocated in this manner set their default Labor Segment 1 to SPLIT so the system will perform this function by default.

How Split Allocations Work. The Payroll process will look for Employee Pay Rate records with the Split Payroll Distr indicator selected when ‘SPLIT’ is selected in the Labor Segment 1 field during time entry. Whenever ‘SPLIT’ is the Labor Segment 1 value for a row of earnings on the Payroll Entry Spreadsheet, it causes the system to seek out the selected employee’s Position Detail records with Create Payroll Distribution selected and/or Pay Rate Detail records with Split Payroll Distr selected, causing the system to populate the Hourly Rate and the Labor Segment 2-4 columns with entries from the associated records. If the FTE (Full Time Equivalent) Allocation field contains a percentage, the system will automatically distribute the wages accordingly.