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Getting Started

Log In

Login Information

Login Questions and Answers

Log Out/ Change Password

Log in confirms that the entered credentials and settings and grants access to the system. A user can log into the site either by Employee Number and password or Email address and password.

  1. Employee.  Verify or type your Employee Number or type in your Email address, if you have an Email address for login.
  2. Settings.  To show hidden server settings, click on "Show Settings" under the Role field. Type or confirm your organization's settings: Service ID and Client.
  3. Update Roles.  Click Update Roles. The settings close.
  4. Role.  Verify your Role or select another role if you have multiple roles assigned to you.
  5. Terms and Conditions.  As with many online software portals, accepting the terms and conditions is required for access. To agree, mark the checkbox for "I accept this Website's Terms and Conditions."
  6. Password.  Type your Password. Passwords are case-sensitive. To change the password, see "Password Changes."
  7. Security Check.  When an on-screen security check and field display, type the Security Check shown into the field below the security check. The security check changes each time you log in.
  8. Login. Click Login.

After you log in the first time, you don't need to re-enter the server settings unless you (a) use a different computer, (b) need to log into a different client, or (c) the settings are removed as part of disk cleanup or other computer housekeeping.

Note: The security check is required to block automated login attempts and changes every time that you login. Unlike your password, the security check is not case-sensitive.