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System Events

A System Notification record sends a message based on the System Event selected for it. The System Event determines what fields can be used to customize the message and under what circumstances it can be sent.

The following chart lists each System Event, includes a description, and identifies where the triggering event occurs.

System Event Description Based on "?" Icon Tip Text Where
Absence This event generates a message for a scheduled absence. It is based on the Scheduled Begin Date on the Employee Attendance/Absence Detail. It can be used to notify the employee, or other people within the organization. Employee Attendance (Absence) Detail
AssetDelivered This event generates a message on the delivery date of an employee asset. This is based on the Delivered Date on the Employee Asset Detail. It can be used to send a message to the employee, or other people within the organization. Employee Assets Detail
AssetReturn This event generates a message when an employee asset is scheduled to be returned. It is based on the asset Scheduled Return Date on the Employee Asset Detail. It can be used to send a message to the employee, or other people within the organization. Employee Assets Detail
Audit This event generates a message when changes are made to data in the system. It can be used to notify the employee or to notify other people in the organization such as their supervisor.

The Audit notification event that can send an alert within fifteen minutes of when someone saves an auditable change. Any table that has a corresponding history record can be the subject of an audit alert. It also works for validation tables, so email alerts can be configured for setup changes (such as Tax Code record changes). It detects inserts, updates, and deletions, and includes all modified fields (with old values if field is an update).
Audit: Screens and processes that create audit records
Award This event generates a message when for an employee award. It is triggered based on the Award Date on the Employee Awards Detail. This can be used to notify the employee, or other people within the organization. Employee Awards Detail
BenefitCoverageBeginning This event generates a message when benefit coverage is beginning. This event is based on the Coverage Effective Date on the Employee Benefit Detail. It can be used to send a message to the employee, or other people within the organization. Employee Benefit Detail (also after approving a self-service benefit enrollment
BenefitCoverageEnding This event generates a message when benefit coverage is ending. This event is based on the Coverage Termination Date on the Employee Benefit Detail. It can be used to send a message to the employee, or other people within the organization. Employee Benefit Detail (also after approving a self-service benefit enrollment)
BenefitServiceDate This event generates a message on the employee benefit service date. This is based on the Benefit Service Date on the Employment tab of the Employee Master. It can be used to send a message to the employee, or other people within the organization. Employee Master's Employment tab
CandidateApplication This event generates a message when a candidate applies for an open requisition. This event can be used to send a thank you notice to the candidate. It can also be used to notify other people within the organization that someone has applied for an open job. Candidate applies for a requisition through the candidate portal for the client system
CandidateInterviewScheduleChanged This event generates a message when an interview schedule date has been assigned or modified. This event can be used to notify the candidate about the interview schedule. It can also be used to notify other people within the organization that an interview schedule has been set or changed. Candidate interview date from Recruitment functionality
CandidateInvited This event generates a message when a candidate is invited to apply for a requisition. Candidate Review screen's Prospects tab
CandidateOffer This event generates a message when an offer is created. This event can be used as the actual offer letter for the candidate, or as just a notice. It can also be used to notify other people within the organization that an offer has been created. Offer Detail available form the Candidate Review's Candidates tab
CandidateOfferResponse This event generates a message when a candidate responds to an offer. It is triggered based on the Response Code on the offer. It can also be used to notify other people within the organization that an offer has been created. Offer Detail available form the Candidate Review's Candidates tab or through a candidate's actions through candidate self service.
CandidatePhaseChange This event generates a message when a candidate moves between the phases of a requisition workflow. It can be triggered through a manual phase change on the Candidate Review screen or through an auto-promotion. This event can be used to notify the candidate that they have advanced in the recruitment process. It can also be used to notify other people within the organization that a candidate is moving forward in the recruitment process. Candidate and Recruiter actions based on the relevant Phase of the Recruitment workflow
CandidateRejection This event generates a message when a rejection has been created for a candidate. It can be used to notify the candidate that they are no longer being considered for an open position. It could also be used to notify other people within the organization about the rejection. Rejection Detail available form the Candidate Review's Candidates tab
CertificationExpiring This event generates a message when an employee certification is expiring. It is based on the Expiration Date on the Employee Certification Detail. This event can be used to notify the employee that their certification is expiring, or to notify other people within the organization that an employee's certification is expiring. Employee Certification Detail
CertificationIssued This event generates a message when an employee certification is issued. It is based on the Issue Date on the Employee Certification Detail. This event can be used to notify the employee that their certification has been issued, or to notify other people within the organization that an employee's certification has been issued. Employee Certification Detail
ClientPayrollPosted This event generates a message after a payroll posting. The default recipients are the assigned Payroll Processors for the client. If no email addresses are defined for Payroll Processors, this sends to the primary contact email for the client and then the secondary contact email if the first is not defined. Payroll posting and the Client Processing Information Table in Enterprise Client
ClientPayrollProcessed This event generates a message after a Gross-To-Net sign-off for a payroll. The default recipients are the assigned Payroll Processors for the client. If no email addresses are defined for Payroll Processors, this sends to the primary contact email for the client and then the secondary contact email if the first is not defined. Online GTN signoff for a payroll
DepartmentTransfer This event will send a notification when an employee is transferred from one Department to another. Primary Employee Position Detail or Organization tab
DependentPlanAge This event generates a message when an employee's child dependent is reaching the maximum age defined for a benefit plan. This event is based on the maximum age defined for a benefit plan and the contact's birth date. It can be used to send a message to the employee or other people. Employee Contacts Detail and Benefit Plan setup and benefit assignment
EmployeeDeductionBeginning This event generates a message when an EE deduction is beginning. It is based on the Begin Date defined on the Employee Deductions Detail. It can be used to notify the employee that they have a payroll deduction starting, or to notify other people in the organization that an employee has a payroll deduction starting. Selecting a deduction code from the filtering options will only generate the notification for that deduction. Employee Deductions Detail (can also be triggered by a new benefit that has associated deductions or by posting a payroll with a new deduction for the employee)
EmployeeDeductionEnding This event generates a message when an EE deduction is ending. It is based on the End Date defined on the Employee Deductions Detail. It can be used to notify the employee that they have a payroll deduction ending, or to notify other people in the organization that an employee has a payroll deduction ending. Selecting a deduction code from the filtering options will only generate the notification for that deduction. Employee Deductions Detail
EmployeePaydayNetPay This event generates a message for a scheduled type payroll when the employee has net pay greater than zero. It is based on the Payroll Check Date. The default recipient is the employee. Payroll Calendar's Check Date

This event generates the notifications for custom employee-defined events entered on the Employee ESS Dates screen. These events are created by the employee from their own reminders screen. It is not recommended to modify this notification unless you want to change or add to the text on all ESS reminders created by the employees.

Employee ESS Dates Detail

This event generates a message when an ER deduction is beginning. It is based on the Begin Date defined on the Employee Deductions Detail. It can be used to notify the employee that they have a ER deduction starting, or to notify other people in the organization that an employee has an ER deduction starting. Selecting a deduction code from the filtering options will only generate the notification for that deduction.

Employee Deductions Detail (can also be triggered by a new benefit that has associated deductions or by posting a payroll with a new deduction for the employee)

This event generates a message when an ER deduction is ending. It is based on the End Date defined on the Employee Deductions Detail. It can be used to notify the employee that they have a ER deduction ending, or to notify other people in the organization that an employee has an ER deduction ending. Selecting a deduction code from the filtering options will only generate the notification for that deduction.

Employee Deductions Detail
EmploymentAnniversary This event generates a message on employment anniversaries for employees. It is triggered annually based on the employee's Adjusted Hire Date on the Employment tab of the Employee Master. This can be used to notify the employee about the anniversary, or to notify other people within the organization. Employee Master's Employment tab
HealthVisit This event generates a message for an employee health visit. This event is based on the Visit Date on the Employee Health and Welfare Detail. Employee Health & Welfare Detail
HealthVisitNextAppointment This event generates a message for a follow-up appointment for an employee health visit. This event is based on the Next Appointment Date on the Employee Health and Welfare Detail. Employee Health & Welfare Detail
INACTIVE None. (The INACTIVE code is used as a placeholder in the System Notification setup if an administrator de-activates a System Event that is being used as part of System Notification setup.) Not applicable
LocationTransfer This event will send a notification when an employee is transferred from one location to another. Primary Employee Position Detail or Organization tab
NetPayBeginning This event generates a message when an employee net pay is beginning. It is based on the Begin Date on the Employee Net Pay Detail. It can be used to notify the employee that they have a net pay beginning, or to notify other people within the organization that the net pay is beginning. Selecting a net pay code from the filter selection will only generate the notification for that net pay code. Employee Net Pay Detail
NetPayEnding This event generates a message when an employee net pay is ending. It is based on the End Date on the Employee Net Pay Detail. It can be used to notify the employee that they have a net pay ending, or to notify other people within the organization that the net pay is ending. Selecting a net pay code from the filter selection will only generate the notification for that net pay code. Employee Net Pay Detail
NetPayPreNoteEnding This event generates a message when an employee net pay pre-note period is ending. It is based on the Pre-Note Expiration Date on the Employee Net Pay Detail. It can be used to notify the employee that the pre-note period is ending, or to notify other people within the organization that the pre-note period is ending. Selecting a net pay code from the filter selection will only generate the notification for that net pay code. Employee Net Pay Detail
NewCandidate This event generates a message when a new candidate user account has been created. This is triggered by a candidate creating a resume profile from the candidate portal, or by a recruiter manually entering a candidate into the system. This event can be used to send a welcome message to the candidate, or to notify other people within the organization that a new candidate user account has been created. Selecting any of the filtering options will only generate the message when a candidate has the criteria defined on the filter. Candidate submits a new application or a Recruiter creates a new Applicant record
NewHire This event generates a message when an employee is hired into the system. It is based on the Original Hire Date on the Employment Tab of the Employee Master. This is the same Original Hire Date that is entered during the New Hire Wizard. This event can be used to generate a welcome message to the employee, or to notify other people within the organization about the new hire. Employee Master's Employment tab
OfficialDocumentExpiring This event generates a message when an official document is expiring. This event is based on the Expiration Date on the Employee Official Documents Details. It can be used to notify the employee about the document expiring, or to notify other people in the organization about the document expiring. Selecting a document code from the filter selection will only generate the message for the selected document. Employee Official Documents Detail
OfficialDocumentIssued This event generates a message when an official document has been issued. This event is based on the Issue Date on the Employee Official Documents Details. It can be used to notify the employee about the document being issued, or to notify other people in the organization about the document being issued. Selecting a document code from the filter selection will only generate the message for the selected document. Employee Official Documents Detail
OnboardComplete This event generates a message when the employee completes their portion of the onboard process. This can be used to send a thank you notification to the employee, or to notify other people in the organization that the employee has completed their portion and the new hire process can begin. Individual completes onboarding
OnboardCreated This event generates a message when the Onboard Wizard is used to initiate the employee onboarding process. It is used to send a notification to the employee instructing them how to complete their portion of the onboarding process. It can also be used to notify other people in the organization about a new employee onboard.

This message should include instructions for the employee on how to access the ESS Onboard site and enough information for them to be able to login. It should always include the login URL. It should also tell them that their username is their email address or employee number, and the intial password is the last 4 digits of their social security number.
Employee Onboard Wizard
OpenEnrollmentBeginning This event generates a message for an open enrollment period beginning. It is based on the Begin Date defined on the Open Enrollment Selection screen. It will only be generated for records marked as an Open Enrollment. This excludes records marked as New Hire or Qualifying Event enrollment periods. This event is meant to be used to notify employees that the open enrollment period is beginning and they should start thinking about their elections. Selecting a benefit profile from the filtering options will only generate messages for employees who have that profile defined on the Employment tab of the Employee Master. Open Enrollment Selection screen
OpenEnrollmentEnding This event generates a message for an open enrollment period ending. It is based on the End Date defined on the Open Enrollment Selection screen. It will only be generated for records marked as an Open Enrollment. This excludes records marked as New Hire or Qualifying Event enrollment periods. This event is meant to be used to notify employees that the open enrollment period is ending and they should make their elections if they have not already done so. Selecting a benefit profile from the filtering options will only generate messages for employees who have that profile defined on the Employment tab of the Employee Master. Open Enrollment Selection screen
OSHAPhysicianVisit This event generates a message when for an employee's OSHA physician date. It is triggered based on the Date of Visit on the OSHA Physician Visit Detail. This can be used to notify the employee, or other people within the organization. Employee OSHA Physicians Detail
OSHAPhysicianVisitNextAppointment This event generates a message when for an employee's next OSHA physician date. It is triggered based on the Next Appointment Date on the OSHA Physician Visit Detail. This can be used to notify the employee, or other people within the organization. Employee OSHA Physicians Detail
PayrollCallDate This event generates a message on the payroll call date. This is based on the Call Date on the Payroll Calendar Code. This event is only triggered for payrolls marked as scheduled payrolls. It is generated for every employee in the payroll. This can be used to inform employees that their timesheets are due. Payroll Calendar Codes Table
PayrollCheckDate This event generates a message on the payroll call date. This is based on the Check Date on the Payroll Calendar Codes screen. This is based on the Check Date on the Payroll Calendar Code. This event is only triggered for payrolls marked as scheduled payrolls. This message is generated for all employees in the payroll and can be used to notify them on a payroll check date. Payroll Calendar Codes Table
PayrollPosted This event generates a message when a payroll has been posted. The default recipient of this message is defined by the Supervisor selection on the filtering. You can then use the additional recipients to send the message to other people in the organization, such as a workgroup or additional supervisors. This message is not intended to go to employees, it is intended to be sent to people involved in the processing of payroll. Payroll posting
PayrollProcessed This event generates a message when a payroll has been processed. The default recipient of this message is defined by the Supervisor selection on the filtering. If no Supervisor selection is defined on the filtering, the recipient is the DEFAULT supervisor. You can then use the additional recipients to send the message to other people in the organization, such as a workgroup or additional supervisors. This message is not intended to go to employees, it is intended to be sent to people involved in the processing of payroll. Payroll processing
PayrollRunDate This event generates a message on a payroll run date. This is defined as the Run Date on the Payroll Calendar Codes. The default recipient of this message is defined by the Supervisor selection on the filtering. If no Supervisor selection is defined on the filtering, the recipient is the DEFAULT supervisor. You can then use the additional recipients to send the message to other people in the organization, such as a workgroup or additional supervisors. This message is not intended to go to employees, it is intended to be sent to people involved in the processing of payroll. Payroll Gross-to-Net processing
PerformanceAppraisalDate This event generates a message when for an employee's review date. It gets triggered based on the Next Appraisal Date on the Employee Evaluations Detail. This can be used to notify the employee, or other people within the organization. Employee Evaluations Detail
PerformanceMgmtGiveReview This event generates a message to let someone know that he or she has been assigned a review to complete, such as when reviews are initially created or when the completion of a review phase auto-assigns reviews for the next phase. This system event is used with the Performance Management module. Performance Management module
PerformanceMgmtReviewComplete This event generates a message to let someone know that a review component has been completed. This system event is used with the Performance Management module. Performance Management module
PerfNextAppraisal This event generates a message when an employee's performance appraisal date is approaching. It gets triggered based on the Next Review Date on the Employee Master Assignment tab. This can be used to notify the employee or other people within the organization. Assignment tab
ProbationEnding This event generates a message when an employee's probation period is ending. It is based on the Probation End Date on the Employment tab of the Employee Master. This event can be used to notify the employee that their probationary period is ending, or to notify other people within the organization. Performance Management module
ReboardComplete This event generates a message when the employee completes their portion of the Reboard process. This can be used to send a thank you notification to the employee, or to notify other people in the organization that the employee has completed their portion and the new hire process can begin. Employee Rehire Onboarding wizard completion by a rehire onboarder
ReboardCreated This event generates a message when the Reboard Wizard is used to initiate the employee Reboarding process. It is used to send a notification to the employee instructing them how to complete their portion of the Reboarding process. It can also be used to notify other people in the organization about a new employee Reboard. This message should include instructions for the employee on how to access the ESS Reboard site and enough information for them to be able to login. It should always include the login URL. It should also tell them that their username is their email address or employee number, and the intial password is the last 4 digits of their social security number. Rehire Onboarding invitation
ReHire This event generates a message when an employee is re-hired into the system. It is based on the Re-Hire Date on the Employment tab of the Employee Master. This is the same Re-Hire Date that is entered during the Re-Hire Wizard. This event can be used to generate a welcome message to the employee, or to notify other people within the organization about the re-hire. Employee Rehire Wizard
RequisitionApproved This event generates a message when a new requisition has been approved. It is triggered when the final transaction approval is done on the Transaction Approvals screen for a requisition. It can be used to notify the person who created the requisition, or to notify other people within the organization. Approval of a Requisition Code
RequisitionClosed This event generates a message when a requisition has been closed. It is based on the Date Closed on the Requisition Codes screen. It can be used to notify the requisition supervisor, or to notify other people within the organization when a requisition has been closed. Requisition Codes Table
RequisitionPending This event generates a message when a new requisition is pending approval. The recipients of this message are the people who need to approve the transaction. Requisition Code pending approval
RequisitionPostedInternal This event generates a message when a requisition has been posted internally. It is based on the Post Begin Date and the Internal Days on the Requisition Codes screen. It can be used to notify the requisition supervisor, or other people within the organization. Requisition Codes Table
RequisitionPostedExternal This event generates a message when a requisition has been posted externally. It is based on the Post Begin Date on the Requisition Codes screen. It can be used to notify the requisition supervisor, or other people within the organization. Requisition Codes Table
RequisitionRejected This event generates a message when a new requisition has been rejected. It can be used to notify the person who created the requisition, or to notify other people within the organization. Requisition code rejected through transaction approval
RequisitionSubmitted This event generates a message when a new requisition is submitted. The recipient of the message is the person who submitted the requisition. It can be used as a confirmation to the submitter that the requisition was successfully submitted. It can also be used to notify other people within the organization. To notify the people involved in approving the transaction, use the TransactionPending event. Requisition Code added that requires transaction approval
SalaryEffectiveDate This event generates a message based on an employee's salary effective date (on the Employee Salary Detail). This can be used to notify the employee of an upcoming salary change or to notify other people in the organization such supervisors or others.

This based on the number of days from the effective date on an Employee Salary Review Detail (PER_SALARY) record.
Employee Salary Detail
SalaryReview This event generates a message for an employee salary review. This is based on the Salary Review Date on the Compensation tab of the Employee Master. It can be used to notify the employee of the upcoming salary review, or to notify other people in the organization such as their supervisor. Employee Salary Detail
TemporaryEmploymentEnding This event generates a message when an employee's temporary employment is ending. It is based on the temporary employment End Date on the Employment tab of the Employee Master. It can be used to send a notification to the employee, or another person within the organization. Employee Master's Employment tab
Termination This event generates a message when an employee is terminated. This event is triggered based on the Termination Date on the Employee Termination Detail. This is the same date that is entered as the termination date on the Termination Wizard. It can be used to send a message to the employee, or to notify other people within the organization. Employee Termination Detail (created by the Employee Termination Wizard's processing)
TimeOffApproved This event generates a message when an employee's time off request has been approved. This can be used to notify the employee, or other people within the organization. Employee time off approved as a transaction
TimeOffPending This event generates a message when a time off request is pending approval. This event is nearly identical to the TransactionPending event, except this event includes additional information you can include in the message such as a summary of the time being requested. The recipients of this message are the people who need to approve the transaction. Employee time off transaction submitted from Employee Time Off Requests
TimeOffRejected This event generates a message when an employee's time off request has been denied. This can be used to notify the employee, or other people within the organization. Employee time off transaction denied
TimeOffSubmitted This event generates a message when a new time off request is submitted. This event is nearly identical to the TransactionSubmitted event, except this event includes additional information you can include in the message such as a summary of the time being requested. The recipient of the message is the person who submitted the transaction. This event can be used as a confirmation to the submitter that the transaction was submitted. It can also be used to notify other people within the organization. To notify the people involved in approving the transaction, use the TimeOffPending event. Employee time off submitted as a transaction from Employee Time Off Requests
TimesheetApproved This event generates a message when an employee's timesheet has been approved. This can be used to notify the employee, or other people within the organization. Employee Weekly Timesheet approved as a transaction
TimesheetRejected This event generates a message when an employee's timesheet has been denied. This can be used to notify the employee, or other people within the organization. Employee Weekly Timesheet transaction rejected
TrainingClassBeginning This event generates a message when a training class is coming up for an employee.

This requires the Career Development module.
Career Development module
TrainingEnrollmentCancelled This event generates a message when a training class has been canceled.

This requires the Career Development module.
Career Development module
TrainingEnrollmentDenied This event generates a message when an employee has been denied for a training class.

This requires the Career Development module.
Career Development module
TrainingEnrollmentFinalized This event generates a message when a training class has been finalized.

This requires the Career Development module.
Career Development module
TrainingEnrollmentRequested This event generates a message when an employee has requested to be enrolled in a training class.

This requires the Career Development module.
Career Development module
TrainingEnrollmentRequirement This event generates a message when a training class enrollment is required.

This requires the Career Development module.
Career Development module
TrainingEnrollmentRequirementExpired This event generates a message when a training class requirement has expired.

This requires the Career Development module.
Career Development module
TrainingEnrollmentReset This event generates a message when a training class has been reset.

This requires the Career Development module.
Career Development module
TrainingEnrollmentWaitListed This event generates a message when an employee has been wait listed for a training class.

This requires the Career Development module.
Career Development module
TransactionApproved This event generates a message when a transaction has been approved. This event does not include time off request approvals. It can be used to notify the person who submitted the transaction, or to notify other people within the organization Transaction Approvals: Final transaction approval (other than time off)
TransactionPending This event generates a message when a new transaction is pending approval. This event doesn't include time off request transactions. The recipients of this message are the people who need to approve the transaction. This is a generic event that is triggered when any transaction in the system is pending approval. Transaction submitted (other than time off)
TransactionRejected This event generates a message when a transaction has been rejected. This event doesn't include time off transactions. It can be used to notify the person who submitted the transaction, or to notify other people within the organization. Transaction Approvals screen: Transaction rejected (other than time off)
TransactionSubmitted This event generates a message when a new transaction is submitted. The recipient of the message is the person who submitted the transaction. This event does not include time off request transactions. It can be used as a confirmation to the submitter that the transaction was submitted. It can also be used to notify other people within the organization. To notify the people involved in approving the transaction, use the TransactionPending event. Transaction submitted (other than time off)