After records are defined on validation tables for the accrual's hours, earnings, and benefits, then paid time-off benefits can be assigned to employees on the Employee Benefits Detail.
When processing attendance through payroll, attendance reaches the employee-level on the Employee Attendance Detail, Employee Earnings Detail, and Employee Benefits Detail screens.
For paid time-off earnings to deduct the number of hours available, a PTO earning must be charged to the employee during the pay entry process. Then, payroll processing pays PTO benefit hours entered for the pay run and adjusts the employee's Available Hours seen on the Employee Earnings Detail and Employee Benefits Detail with the new balance.
For employees with PTO benefits, payroll-processing updates related fields on the employees' Benefits Detail records (such as Current Hours Accrued and Total Hours Accrued) and the related Earnings Detail records according to the accrual frequency on the Benefit Hours Accrual Table.
Employee Link to PTO Benefits: When the employee has the benefit allocated on the Benefits Detail screen given setup of PTO and attendance, payroll processing generates the Employee Earnings Detail record for the accrued benefit if an Employee Earnings Detail for it does not already exist.