Supervisor Codes

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About Codes

Benefit Type Codes


Supervisor Codes are used to assign supervisors to employees. The Supervisor Codes Table further defines the organizational tiers.

Supervisor Codes are assigned to organizational units and become the authorizers of many pending transactions and workflows.

Default supervisors are assigned to organizational units including locations, departments, and tiers. The next time that you add/edit an entry on one of the tier tables, you will see any new, active Supervisor entries. A Tier Supervisor is the supervisor/manager who controls the tier (organizational unit). These tier supervisors/managers are defined on the Supervisor Codes Table. Some organizations may wish to assign a default supervisor to ensure that someone is in control of each location, department, and tier.

Specific employees are defined as supervisors on the Supervisor Codes Table. The Supervisor Code DEFAULT should not be deleted or de-activated.

Where Supervisors Are Selected

Supervisor codes provide multiple selection lists throughout the system.

Business Scenario

If each Supervisor Code is generic, such as CEO, it will be much easier to update employee records when a supervisor leaves the organization or retires.  The name of the supervisor can be entered in the description field.

When creating a supervisor code, it is recommended that your organization use a generic Code that won't change when an individual supervisor changes. Since selection of the Supervisor Code displays the code and description, many organizations define supervisor codes in a generic manner. The Employee Number on this screen identifies the employee who is the supervisor.

This allows the organization to assign a different Employee Number and to optionally enter a different Description ofthe Supervisor Code whenever an individual supervisor leaves the organization or transfers to a different job, position, or department, and all affected employee records and future workflow transactions are automatically updated with the new description and assigned to the new supervisor. This eliminates the need to go to each effected employee's Master record, edit, and assign a new Supervisor and/or ESS Manager.

When using the online system, to assign or change the Employee Number selected, choose that individual from the employee selection list in the upper navigation bar. For more field by field details, see the "Details" page for this topic.  

Deleting a Supervisor Code that is assigned to employees or is part of one or more defined workflows mandates editing the effected records and workflows, but changing the description or the employee who is the supervisor doesn't necessitate changing records.

DEFAULT Supervisor Code

Specific employees are defined as supervisors on the Supervisor Codes Table. The Supervisor Code DEFAULT should not be deleted or de-activated.