Tax Locality Codes

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Tax Codes Table

The Tax Locality Codes Table provides codes that complete the Tax Codes for local taxes on the Tax Codes Table.

A Tax Locality refers to an area that has Local Taxes. Any area defined by the government below the state level, that taxes its residents or workers, is a tax locality.

Typically, access to the validation table for tax locality setup is unavailable through the web portals.

Business Scenario

When any of a company's employees live or work within a tax locality, the tax locality becomes significant for payroll processing purposes.

Typically, an organization would activate each local taxing authority that applies to their employee’s tax localities. Each Tax Locality Code defines the local tax authority and State.

Additional tax localities and tax codes may need to be added. For Alaska reporting, additional tax locality codes need to be added for geographic codes. See "Alaska's Occupational Codes."

Additionally, other tax localities have specific setup requirements.

Tax Locality Code