Benefit Codes

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About Codes

Benefit Type Codes

Benefit Costs Codes


Employee Benefits Detail


For Paid Time-Off


Benefit plans are defined with Benefit Codes. The Benefit Codes Table is the central cohesive element of benefit plan setup.

Benefit Codes are selected on Employee Benefit Details and on the Benefit Cost Codes Table. Costs are defined per benefit code and coverage code on another table: the Benefit Cost Codes Table.

Each Benefit Code corresponds to a specific benefit, its policy information, its Deductions Code, and its Earnings Code, if any. Codes for benefit plans are set up, managed, and terminated on the Benefit Codes Table. A benefit plan becomes available as a Benefit Code after it is added and saved on the Benefits Codes Table.

Where it's used: On the Employee Benefits Detail, selecting a Benefit Code causes the system to automatically populate the effective date with the date from the Benefit Codes Table that the benefit was/is to be made available to employees. This date can be edited. By entering a future effective date, plans that will become available at the next open enrollment can be assigned to employees in Employee Benefit Details to access the new plan when that date arrives.

Benefit Plan Basics

Terminating a Benefit Plan. When a plan is terminated, enter a termination date for the plan code, and then click on the Terminate Plan and EE Plans button to cause the system to terminate the plan for all employees enrolled in it. The system updates employees' Benefit Detail screens with the terminated date for the plan.