Employee Competencies

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Competency Codes

Employee HR Details

Performance Reviews

Salary Reviews


A completed Employee Competency Detail record is a set of competency codes with ratings and/or notes that is associated with a particular Employee Review Detail.

Competencies are criteria by which an employee is evaluated as part of an employment review, for a performance review, human resources review, etc.

Precondition:  Before a competency review detail can be added for an employee, an employee Performance Review detail needs to be added.

Business Scenario

Competency details are related to the areas that an employee typically will be evaluated on during a performance review.

From the Employee Review Detail, click on theCompetency Detail buttonto se the selected employee's competency detail.

Competency profiles are sets of Competency Codes. During the Employee New Hire process, Competency Profiles can be assigned to employees, or Competency Profiles can be assigned later from the Assignment tab within the Employee HR Master.

Competency profiles are defined by your system administrator. If your organization needs to have the competency profiles edited or new profiles added, contact your system administrator.