Audit History

Related Topics

Administration Table Reports > Reports


System Audit Report

System Audit Summary Report

Web Query

System audit history is available through two standard system reports and through online Ad Hoc Web Query, which is available to some web roles. Additionally some screens feature an interactive history mode that shows detailed change information.

Audit Reports

The two standard audit reports are Reporting Period System Audit Report, ADM00100 (no longer used), and Reporting Period System Audit Summary Report, ADM00101. For some web roles, a dynamic online System Audit reporting tool is available from the Reporting menu. Audit reporting provides the table name, action, date/time, user, field name, current data value, and previous data value. Audit reports can be filtered by Date Range Selection and Custom Selection.

Events Logged

Audit reports list the action in an Action column, while the Ad Hoc Web Query's datasets for audit history reference a "TransTypeCd".  These action values include the type of action that occurred:

Often actions are prefixed by the type of record:

An "update" action without a prefix dated after August 2009 indicates that field-level details were logged for a saved record. In this case, both an update log item with a prefix and one without a prefix may be logged for the same action.


User Name is an Employee Number or Employee Id (hidden system value) for an online user, a code that identifies an administrative back office user, or a predefined SYSTEM/MGUSER for an action without an identified user.