Position Control

Related Topics

Assignment Tab

New Hires

Validation Table

Position Codes

For budget control of pay, position control sets and maintains a budget per position and warns against assigning positions that exceed the defined budget.

Position control and budgeting of dollars, hours, and full-time equivalencies, are defined per Position. Per Position code on the Position Codes Table, the actual and variance amounts display based on employees who are assigned to the position code that is being viewed.

Position budgeting control is optional. When position control is activated, budgeting logic applies to the Employee Position Detail, the New Hire Wizard, and the Employee (HR) Master. Warning messages for position control violations are enabled when Position Control is activated on the per client System Preferences. Whether position control is activated or suppressed is controlled per client through the System Preferences.

Position Reporting

Report Title Report Name Summary

Employee Position Report


Provides information from Employee Position Detail records.

Position Summary Report


Summarizes position information by position, and includes budgeted and actual information. It also lists any active requisitions for filling the position

Position Detail Report


Summarizes position information, includes budgeted and actual information, and lists current incumbents' position and job information.

Position Activity Report


Lists current and historical incumbent information for the position and the incumbent's job and is otherwise similar to the Position Summary report.

Employee Positions Report


Depicts active employee position information for Locations and Departments with totals by Department and Location.

Payroll FTE Report


Depicts employee payroll hours worked for allocation percentages and FTE calculations for a payroll and includes year-to-date payroll hours


Employee (HR) Master

For the Employee Master, when you save the Assignment tab, it checks for the budgeting on the assigned Position Code and FTE Allocation for that position. If there is a violation, a warning message will pop-up, followed by a prompt to go ahead and continue to save the record. If you click OK on the prompt, it will save the record and bypass the position control logic. If you click cancel, it will continue to enforce the logic when you click save again. So, the only way to bypass the logic for position control is to either disable position control, or to click OK on the prompt after the warning message.

Employee Position Detail

The Employee Position Detail also includes position control logic. When position control is in use, saving a position detail causes a calculation of whether the record causes an over-budget position.

From the Employee Master and its Assignment tab, to access the Employee Positions Detail click on the Position Details… button.  

On the Position Detail, there is additional logic beyond the budgeting of the position code to check the FTE Allocation of the employee against all positions. It does this two ways: one by using all position records for the employee, and another by only including the records marked to Create Time Entry Distribution. If either validation check results in an FTE violation, a warning message displays, and the user has the option to continue to save the record to bypass the Position Control, just like this works on the Employee (HR) Master.

New Hire Wizard

The New Hire Wizard applies position control much the same way that the Employee Master does, in that it checks the budgeting of the primary position against the position code and displays a warning message. It does this logic after the step with the position code selection on it.

In the New Hire Wizard, instead of a prompt to "continue," the wizard automatically continues after the warning message. If you would like to make a change, go back to the previous step or stop the New Hire entirely.