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Map Pay Codes to Earning Codes

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About Codes

Time Import


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Time Import File Format


The Map Pay Codes to Earning Codes Table is used to enable importing earnings from external time-keeping files.

The earning code selected for Map Pay Code to Earning Code determines how time imports convert this Pay Code information into the system.

Two categories of employees are recognized on this table: those who are exempt from FLSA and those who are not exempt from FLSA. An employee's employee Master record determines the FLSA exemption status.

Your system administrator can complete this table for you.

Business Scenario

An organization with an external time clock has the pay codes from the time-keeping system mapped to system codes. For earnings, the Map Pay Codes to Earnings Codes Table is used. One record should be added for each pay code that corresponds to an earning.

Before importing time from a timekeeping system, map each pay code in your time system to a system Earnings Code.  

By adding a code for each Pay Code used in your timekeeping system, you effectively translate your pay codes into earnings codes on the Map Pay Code to Earning Code Table.