Education items record an applicant's level of education, such as a high school diploma or college degree. This educational history is listed in the Education section of the Candidate Profile.
Applicant education information is available when searching for eligible candidates to fill an open position.
Define a separate record for each degree or educational level, such as a high school degree or GED, bachelor's degree, master's degree, etc.
Choose the most applicable selections to identify the degree or educational level achieved, start and completion dates, the institution granting the degree, major and minor areas of study, number of credit hours received, and the grade point average earned. Optionally, note whether the educational item is related to the job sought by the applicant.
Candidate Education Summary
Summary of Education
If there are no education records for this individual, the following text displays: "You have no education information defined." A plus button is available to add an education record.
In the education section, the following columns display: Type, Institution, Degree, Begin, and End.
To open the Education window, click on an Edit link or the plus button.