Multiple Position Details

Related Topics

Detailed Pay Entry

Payroll Distribution Setup

Other Assigned Labor Distributions

Employee Pay Rates Detail

Organization Tab

Validation Table

Position Codes Table


Allocations to locations

To accommodate the requirements of the Payroll and Human Resource Departments, multiple Employee Position Detail records should be completed for each affected employee.

Define Positions with Different Rates

Position budgeting is applied via Position Details and the Position Codes.

To define positions with different labor distributions and rates, position details can be defined for the employee.

Note:  Editing the position information directly on the Employee Master screen will not populate the Position Detail record and will cause a conflict of information in the system.

  1. Before a position can be assigned to an employee, it must first be set up as a Position Code, with all the necessary fields defined.

All budgeting information must be valid on the Position Code in order to add an employee position detail for a particular position.

Sample Position Code 1

  1. Enter valid Budgeted From and Budgeted To dates. These Validation Tables can contribute to Position Code setup: Position Status, Company Code, Payroll Mode, Job Code, Shift Code, Supervisor, and Labor Segment Codes 1-4.

Sample Position Code 2

  1. To add additional positions in order to record multiple pay rates for the employee, go the Assignment tab within the Employee Master, and click on the Edit icon to activate the button for Position Details.
  2. Click on the Position Details button to open the Employee Position Detail screen.
  3. Navigate to the Primary Position record, or the record that should be edited and marked as the Primary Position record.

0.75 FTE Position Detail for Primary

  1. Edit the Position Detail record as necessary. Select Create Time Entry Distribution checkbox for the record marked as the Primary Position record.
  2. Create an additional Position Detail record for each of an employee’s positions.

0.25 FTE Position Detail  

  1. Select Create Time Entry Distribution checkbox on all current positions that should be "split."
  2. Save the record.
  3. On the Organization tab within the Employee Master, you can edit and select SPLIT as Labor Segment 1 to cause earnings entered on the payroll spreadsheet to split.

Otherwise, the processor would need to edit Labor Segment 1 on the payroll spreadsheet and select SPLIT during payroll entry.