Payroll Distribution Setup

Related Topics

Detailed Pay Entry

Assigned Labor Distributions

Organization Tab

Pay Rates Detail

Positions Detail


Allocations to locations

Multiple Position Details

Validation Table

Position Codes Table

For those workplaces, such as restaurants and hospitals, that have employees who work in more than job or department and who are paid different pay rates, either assign multiple positions to the employee with Employee Position records, or define multiple rates with Employee Pay Rate records. Consider the requirements of the entity to determine the most effective way to record an employee’s multiple rates.

How the Position, Master, and Pay Rates Relate

The Employee Position Detail records and the Employee Master record feed the Employee Pay Rates Detail. If Employee Position Details are defined to split distributions, make any changes on the Employee Position Detail records. The Pay Rates Detail does not feed information back to the Position Detail or the master record.

Special Considerations:  When determining whether to use Position details or Pay Rate details, consider the access that different roles have. Payroll often lacks access to the Position Detail, while Human Resources often lacks access to the Pay Rates Details.

Multiple Positions for Multiple Pay Rates Flow Chart:

Multiple Pay Rates for Multiple Rates Flow Chart
