Employee Leave of Absence

Related Topics

Leave of Absence Setup

Return from Leave

An employee may take a leave of absence for various reasons. The leave of absence (LOA) may be short term or long term, depending on the circumstances.

Steps to Record an Employee Leave of Absence



What it Enables


Edit the Employment tab.

If applicable, payroll status change


Add an Employee Attendance Detail.  

Attendance tracking


For an OSHA-related absence, add an Employee OSHA Case Detail.

OSHA reporting, if applicable


If the employee visits a doctor due to an OSHA incident, add an OSHA Physician Visits Detail.

OSHA reporting, if applicable


Report on the leave of absence.

FMLA reporting

OSHA reporting

Workers' Compensation reporting

Business Scenario

An employee may be taking a temporary leave of absence to return to school to obtain a higher level of education, or may need to assist in the relocation of parents or other relatives. A company may require documentation to substantiate the need for the LOA, such as a Doctor's Certificate of Absence.

The Human Resources department can partner with the Payroll department to ensure proper payroll and benefit procedures for each employee LOA are followed according to FMLA (Family Medical and Leave Act) guidelines and your organization's policies.

Continuation of Benefits and Payroll? For a long absence, payroll may need to be suspended, or perhaps the employee will choose to use accumulated accrual hours (in order to continue receiving pay during the absence). Benefits, too, may need to be continued according to FMLA guidelines, if an LOA qualifies under the Federal Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

When an employee takes a leave of absence, maintain employee records by adding an Attendance Detail record and editing the Employment tab of the employee's Master record.

When the employee returns, record the return from the leave of absence.