Pay Run Task Manager

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Payroll Calendars

Gross to Net


The Pay Run Task Manager allows a user to complete a payroll from gross-to-net to final payroll posting. 

Compared to the Payroll Wizard, the Pay Run Task Manager provides additional control. Unlike the Payroll Wizard, the Pay Run Task Manager doesn't create auto pays. Instead, auto pays can be created before payroll processing through the Create Auto Pays tool.

Typically, the Payroll & HR role has access to the Payroll Wizard and the Pay Run Task Manager, and the Payroll role has access to the Payroll Wizard.

Note: If you are using the Payroll Wizard to process the payroll, please refer to the Payroll Wizard topic.

After all time entry and adjustments have been entered, the payroll process is ready to begin.

A payroll processor uses the Pay Run Task Manager to process a payroll to gross-to-net. After stopping and reviewing the pay run, then the payroll processor finalizes the payroll through the Pay Run Task Manager.