Employee Positions

Related Topics

Detailed Pay Entry

Payroll Distribution Setup

Position Control

Other Assigned Labor Distributions

Employee Pay Rates Detail

Organization Tab

Validation Table

Position Codes Table


Allocations to locations

Multiple Position Details


The Employee Position Detail is used to track employees' assignments.

From the Employee Master and its Assignment tab, to access the Employee Positions Detail click on the Position Detail Information… button.

The Employee Position (Assignment) Detail marked as the Primary Position contains an employee's organizational and assignment information. Designate one position as the Primary Position for the employee.

On-screen help-text in the bottom-right corner provides a branching link to the selected Position Code and to a help topic.

If a Position Code is defined to prohibit overrides, most of the values on the Employee Position (Assignment) Detail become fixed.

When overrides are permitted on the Position Code, the values become editable.

Field Highlights

On the employee-level, the online Employee Position (Assignment) Detail has field-highlighting to identify fields that are overridden based on the Position Code.

Note: Field highlighting and on-screen help text do not change the function of the Employee Position (Assignment) Detail, but helps explain it.

Two or More Positions

An employee can have two or more positions. Additional positions can be entered and time entry allocated at a fixed rate of distribution for pay entry. For employees with multiple positions and pay rates, refer to the topics: Multiple Position Details and Multiple Pay Rates.

Employee position detail records create Employee Pay Rate Detail records unless the position record's Labor Segment 1 is SPLIT. Using a Labor Segment 1 assignment other than SPLIT is recommended.

Business Scenario

When Position Control is activated

Optionally, use position control to set and maintain records for budget control for personnel. When position control is in use, saving a position detail causes a calculation of whether the record causes an over-budget position. With position control, users are warned whenever a new hire or position assignment is over-budget for the selected position code.

To simplify entry of Dollars and Hours, select ANNUAL as the Payroll Mode,enter the annual hours (2080), and enter the annual salary multiplied by the number of FTEs. If a payroll mode is selected that includes an hourly pay amount, the system won't calculate the Actual and Variance correctly.

The Payroll Mode selected doesn't need to correspond to the Payroll Mode on the Employee Master record's Compensation tab. The system automatically converts the Employee Master record information to correspond to the Payroll Mode on the Position Code Table.

Multiple Positions and Pay Rates

When saving an employee position detail, the system updates any employee pay rate detail that has an identical labor distribution.

The system looks at employee position details first before looking at employee pay rate details. If the primary employee position detail isn’t marked to create time entry distribution, then any employee pay rate detail with the same labor distribution won’t be used to create a split either.