You are here: Candidate Information > Recruitment Actions > Find Prospects

Find Prospects

For Recruiters


Find Applicants

1. Candidate Profile

2. Find Prospects

3. Candidate Review

The Find Prospects screen is a tool to identify candidates for a requisition and invite candidates to apply to a particular requisition.

Invite a Candidate to Apply for a Requisition

  1. Search.  Choose a search by prescreen code or choose an ad hoc search.
  2. Send Invite.  To associate an applicant or applicants with a requisition, choose a requisition, click on the "Send Invite" checkbox(es), and click on Apply. (You may need to scroll down.)

This sends a message inviting the applicant to apply for the selected requisition. If that individual has already applied for that requisition, he or she won't receive an invitation.

Find Prospects

To continue to the applicant screening information, go to the Recruitment menu, and click on Candidate Review.