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Requisition Codes Table


Requisition Codes Table

Requisition Codes Table

For proper recruiting workflow setup, the Requisition Code should include entries for the following fields:

Administrative Users

Requisition Information

Note: If a requisition is no longer displayed on the open jobs page, confirm that the Fill By date is in the future. Adjust the fill by date if the requisition is still open and unfilled.

Administrative Users

Job Information (Left column)

Job Information (Right column)

The Payroll Mode contains two parts. The first part of the Code is the Pay Frequency, and the second part defines the Pay Amount. Therefore, a BIWEEKHOUR Payroll Mode would be Bi-weekly Payroll with an Hourly Pay Amount, and a BIWEEKLY Payroll Mode would be Bi-weekly Payroll with a Bi-weekly Pay Amount.

Job Posting Information