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Survey Types


A module for surveying candidates is an optional part of the recruitment process.

The Questionnaires table, its Questions pages and Questions Editor, are used to define applicant surveys.

Business Scenario

A company wants to screen candidates based on questionnaire responses.

  1. To setup scoring for a candidate questionnaire, here are the steps:
  1. Assign points to each question in the questionnaire setup.
  2. Assign a passing score to the questionnaire record from the Questionnaires validation table.
  3. Go to the Recruitment Workflow, and select the relevant workflow code. On the candidate workflow step item, use the candidate questionnaire type, and select the questionnaire.

Note: The questionnaire type on the Questionnaires validation table MUST be RECRUITER.

  1. In addition, to setup auto-screening to the next phase as part of a Recruitment Workflow, here are the steps:
  1. Select "Require Completion" on the questionnaire workflow step item.
  2. On the Workflow Phase containing the questionnaire step, edit the details, select "Auto Promote," and optionally select a status to change the candidate to.