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Questionnaires Table


Questionnaire Setup Table

Questionnaires Table

Cloning a questionnaire clones all associated questions and answers.

Deleting a questionnaire cleans up all questions and answers so that records aren't orphaned. The delete option on the questionnaire screen is disabled when there are existing responses. Responses must be cleared using the Clear Results button, and then the record can be deleted.

Fields on the Questionnaires Table

The RECRUIT survey type defines the custom actions and stored procedures that power the application activity, including allowing knockouts, scoring, and questionnaire activity history for the "My Jobs" section. Questionnaire activity includes "Questionnaire started," "Questionnaire completed," and "Successfully met questionnaire requirements" history items.


Note:  The delete button on the questionnaire screen is disabled when there are existing responses. Responses must be cleared using the button, and then the record can be deleted. This is to prevent accidental orphaning of data.
