W2 View


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1. Last Paycheck

2. Paycheck History / Stub

3. Time Off

4. Federal W2 Forms

Tax Filing

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W-2 information is by company and tax year, and shows information as of the last time that W-2 processing was completed for the company. The prior year's W2 view displays based on your organization's W2 Available date if that is before January 31 of the current year, or displays on February 1 if no W2 Available date is defined for this year. The current tax year is unavailable.

Choose the employee from the upper navigation bar. Information is displayed as of the last time that the administrator completed W-2 processing for the company.

  1. To see W-2 information, click the year under Federal W2 Forms on the side bar or from the Employee Role, choose: My Payroll and then W-2 Forms.
  2. To print, click on the Print button .

Select another W-2 company code and year, navigate to another option, or log out.

Example of a W2 View

W2 View

Sample W2 View

Parts of a W-2 View

Boxes A through F

Boxes 1 through 14

The numeric boxes are the result of earnings, deductions, and payroll history.

State and Local

For more information about W-2 Box codes, see IRS.gov W-2 instructions at: http://www.irs.gov/instructions/iw2w3/ch01.html