Tax Filing


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1. Last Paycheck

2. Paycheck History / Stub

3. Time Off

4. Federal W2 Forms

Tax Filing

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The "View Tax Filing" information page provides access to review your payroll tax filing status and exemption information.

Example of Tax Filing

View Tax Filing

Sample Tax Filing View

Parts of a Tax Filing View

A header describes the tax. For instance, "Fed. Income Tax" is for federal income tax. For each tax that is currently associated with your payroll records, the following displays.

Add Work State

To submit a request to add another work state for tax purposes, completed the following,

  1. In the field under "View Tax Filing," select the additional state where you work.
  2. Click on the link to Add Work State. The Tax Filing Wizard opens.
  3. Read and follow the on-screen instructions. Click Next to continue.
  4. Click on a form to view it. You may need to click on Open.

Print and complete the form(s) as needed. In many cases, your Payroll department will require a printed copy of the form to finalize the tax filing change.

  1. I have view the applicable forms above. Select the checkbox to certify that you have viewed the applicable forms listed above.
  2. The work state displays but cannot be changed from this panel. If you choose the wrong work state, click on Cancel.
  3. Complete the following:

"Your information has been successfully saved in the system. Once approved by the supervisor, you will receive a confirmation email."