Employee Maintenance Wizard

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Employee Master

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The Employee Maintenance Wizard walks users through properly maintaining employee information and automates updated other tables with changes made.

The Employee Maintenance Wizard streamlines assignment changes, compensation changes, and state and local tax changes. Features include:

You can use the Employee Maintenance Wizard to record many of these items or can define these directly on the master and details. The advantage of the Employee Maintenance Wizard is that it includes workflow processing to update multiple records. For instance, when you reassign an employee to another labor distribution, you would need to update the Organization tab, any Pay Rate Details, Auto Pay Details, and Position Details. The Employee Maintenance Wizard updates all of these.

Open the Employee Maintenance wizard from the menu.

From the upper navigation bar, search for and select the employee.

Panel 1 information is read-only and requires the user to select the checkbox to "Verify Correct Employee" to continue.

Business Scenario

An employee is assigned to another department and receives a different default labor distribution and a pay raise. For a transfer below the company-level, the employee maintenance wizard is used to update the compensation, assignment, and organizational reporting changes for the employee's records.

Other common scenarios and where to apply the changes are listed in the following chart. Many of these changes can be applied through the Employee Maintenance Wizard.

Completing the employee maintenance wizard creates a new primary Employee Position Detail for the employee and end-dates the prior Employee Position Detail.

Employee Maintenance Changes and Locations

Desired Change


Address Change for a Beneficiary, Contact, or Dependent

Apply an address change for an employee's beneficiary, contact, or dependent, on the applicable Employee Contacts Detail.

Address Change for an Employee

An employee address change can be recorded through the Employee Maintenance Wizard.


Enter the change on the Employee Master or the Employee Timekeeping Master.

Compensation Changes: Payroll Amount, Payroll Mode, and/or Hours

Apply immediate changes to an employee's pay mode, pay amount, and/or standard hours, on multiple employee details and on the Employee Master. For specific processing rules, refer the Processing Logic section of this topic.


Adjust current pay entry records, such as those already created by the auto-pay wizard, as needed. For a retro-active compensation change, a user can enter any applicable retro-pay through pay entry.


For a future compensation change, use the Employee Salary Detail instead of the Employee Maintenance Wizard. After the compensation change becomes effective, manually adjust employee details for auto-pays, position details, and pay rates as applicable.

Employment Type or Employment Status Change

An Employment Type and/or Employment status change can be applied through the Employee Maintenance Wizard. (Alternatively, the Employee Master record's Employment tab can be edited.)


If separate Benefit Profiles are defined for different employment types or statuses, the employee's Benefit Profile may need to be changed on the Employment tab within the Employee Master.  


Employee Benefit Details may need to be added or updated for certain employment type or employment status changes.

Where available, the employee may complete a self service status change enrollment.

EEO, Workers Comp, and Job Title

The Employee Maintenance wizard can be used to update the job title, assigned workers comp code, and job title (as of version 5.5.102 and later).

Home Phone, Work Phone, Cell Phone, or Work Email Address Change, for an Employee

Employee phone numbers and a work email address can be updated through the Employee Maintenance Wizard.


Enter the change on the Employee Master or the Employee Timekeeping Master.

If the employee uses his or her work email for Employee Self Service, also update the Employee ESS Pin Detail with the new work email.

Job, Position, or Shift Change for Primary Shift

A job, position, or primary shift change can be applied on the Employee Maintenance Wizard's Assignment Information step.

Marital Status Change with Official Paperwork and new W-4

For a marital status change with a supporting W-4, complete the  Maintenance Wizard's Marital Status and FIT information section and enter the new W-4 Signed Date.


This can also be updated on the Compensation tab within the Employee Master.


Edit the Employee Master's Demographics tab to have the correct marital status for demographics purposes.

If a Spouse needs to be added to the employee's benefits, a self-service online benefit enrollment for qualifying life events is often available to the employee. If not, the benefit changes can be made on the Employee Contact Details, Employee Benefit Details, and Employee Beneficiary (Dependent) Details.

Name Change for an Employee

Enter an employee name change on the Employee Master or the Employee Timekeeping Master.

Name Change for a Dependent, Contact, or Beneficiary

Apply a name change for employee's beneficiary, contact, or dependent, on the applicable Employee Contacts Detail.

Reassignment (not a company transfer)

A reassignment to a different organizational unit can be applied on the Employee Maintenance Wizard's Organization Reporting step.

Resident Tax Locality (New or same)

Leave the same resident locality selected, or select a new Resident Tax Locality on the Employee Maintenance Wizard.


Also, if applicable, end the Employee Tax Detail for the previous local resident tax.

Supervisor Change

The Supervisor can be changed on the Employee Maintenance Wizard's Supervisor Code selection on the step for Assignment Information.

Also, if the Supervisor is also the ESS Manager, change the ESS Manager selection on the step for Organization Reporting.

Hire Date for Adjusted Hire Date

The Adjusted Hired date can be updated through the Assignment Information step (Effective Dates section) of the Employee Maintenance Wizard.

If the Adjusted Hire Date needs to be significantly changed, also review related effective dates on the Employee Master and Employee Benefit Details.

Hire Date for Re-Hire

The Re-Hire Date is part of the Employee Maintenance Wizard and may be updated through it. If the re-hire date was entered incorrectly while completing the Employee Re-Hire Wizard, correct the re-hire date as needed. If the employee is currently terminated, retired, or was otherwise terminated through the Employee Termination Wizard and has not been re-hired, complete the Employee Re-Hire Wizard.


Review and adjust the Employee Master and Employee Details as needed, especially all payroll-related details.

State Unemployment Insurance Changes for an Employee

A new state for State Unemployment Insurance for an employee may be selected on the Employee Maintenance Wizard's Payroll Information step (SIT Information section).


When the previous state's Unemployment Insurance longer applies, go to the Employee Tax Detail and end date the relevant Employee Tax Detail.

W-4 Signed Date

The W-4 Signed Date is part of the Employee Maintenance Wizard's Assignment Information step and corresponding Effective Dates section, and it may be updated through the Employee Maintenance Wizard.

Make changes as needed on the Payroll Information step (FIT Information).

According to your organization's policies, file or scan and attach the paper W-4 to the Employee Tax Detail for FIT.

The Employee Enterprise role also features a tax filing change request option.

Worksite Change

A worksite change can be applied through the Employee Maintenance Wizard's Organization Reporting step.


Employee Maintenance Wizard's Payroll Information step (SIT Information section):  Work Tax Locality


When the previous non-resident local tax no longer applies, go to the Employee Tax Detail and end date the relevant Employee Tax Detail.


Processing Logic

Through the Employee Maintenance Wizard, processing includes the following.

Completing the Employee Maintenance Wizard updates the following dates by the Effective Date:

If corresponding changes were applied through the Employee Maintenance Wizard, the following dates are updated by the Effective Date:

Any new tax work or resident state, work locality, or resident locality will update the Compensation tab. Any new Employee Tax Details created due to a new tax locality assignment or a new work tax state will have a Begin Date that equals the Original Hire date unless an Adjusted Hire date or Re-Hire Date exists, with the Re-Hire Date being used if both an Adjusted Hire and Re-Hire Date exist.

If taxes also need to be end-dated, navigate to the Employee Tax Detail and end date the Employee Tax Details as needed by entering the last pay period end date before the tax should stop processing.