Performance Management

Related Topics

Performance Management

Organizational Objectives

Performance Profiles

Review Workflow

Rating Profiles

Talent Profiles

- Competency Codes

Review Events

Employee Reviews

- Create Employee Reviews

Competency Reporting

Goal Reporting

Position Org Chart

Performance Administration

Performance Data Export

See also: Salary Reviews

The Performance Management module provides options for performance reviews and talent assessments. Design 360-degree performance reviews, manager reviews, self-assessments, or the type of review that best suits a particular review event.


An organization's objectives drive performance management. Each performance goal is aligned with an organizational objective.

3 Profiles

Rating Profiles define the point scale for rating categories.

Employee's Assigned Profiles.  Sets of performance goals are defined with Performance Profiles. Sets of employee talents are defined with Talent Profiles encompassing one or more competency categories.  

For performance management, each employee needs a primary Performance Profile and Talent Profile assignment. The Assignment tab within the Employee HR Master shows these profile selections from the primary Employee Position Detail: Talent Profile and Performance (abbreviated as "Perf") Profile. Some Position codes have Talent Profile and Performance Profile values.  A Position code can be defined to either allow overrides for employee variation in the position detail information, or to block new overrides to prohibit assignments that vary from the Position Code setup.

Review Processes

A review is built through a combination of a review workflow and a review event and is triggered by the "Create Employee Review Workflow" available from Employee Reviews and from Performance Administration.  

Results of talent assessments become available on the employee Competency Reporting screen.

A Performance Administration console provides an overview of all active review events and review details per employee review. On the Review Details tab, the Summary link provides access to additional details and to print a copy of the same information on the Performance plan.

The Employee Performance Plan report can be produced through on-screen Printer icons.  These Printer icons are available from multiple per employee panels in the performance management module.  For instance, the Performance plan is printable from the Employee Reviews > Active Reviews tab > View Performance Plan> the goal link for the set of competencies, via the Printer icon next to performance plan. If no ratings are saved for the particular employee, the report can be produced as a fill-in form that can be printed.

Results of performance reviews become available on the Goal/Performance Reporting screen, Performance Administration (and reporting associated with the Summary option), and through an optional Performance Data Export output file that can be saved and opened in a spreadsheet program.

Access to Screens

Typically, access to the Performance Management module is through the Performance role or the Payroll & HR Enterprise role. Often, the tools for performance management are found under a separate Performance menu and visual workflow map for Performance Management.