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Recruiter Role

For Recruiters

Recruitment Overview

1. Candidate Profile

2. Find Prospects

3. Candidate Review

Through the Recruiter role, manage online job applications, requisitions, correspondence with candidates and recruitment processing. From the upper navigation bar's Applicants list, select candidates.

A typical Recruiter role has the following menu options and menu items.


Transaction Approvals

Message Center



Job Codes


Recruitment Workflow

Prospect Setup (Pre Screen Codes)

System Notifications

Rating Profiles

Details Profiles

Validation Tables

From the Validation Table Listing:

Candidate Status Codes, Certification Codes, Degree Codes, Education Codes, Job Codes, Job Shift Rates, Job Types, Offer Response Codes, Position Codes, Proficiency Codes, Questionnaire Approval Policy (opens the Employee Transaction Approval Policy screen), Questionnaire Types, Questionnaires, Rejection Codes, Requisition Cost Types, Requisition Descriptions, Requisitions,  Skill Codes, System Notifications (opens the Notification Templates), Test Codes, and Web Content


Candidate Review

Find Prospects

Candidate Profile

Sections include Basic Information, Demographics, Resumes, Employment, References, Education, Tests, Certifications, and Skill. This also provides a link to delete an applicant.

Add New Candidate


Open Requisition List

Open Requisition Activity

Closed Requisitions

Requisition Activity

Available Candidates

Candidate List

Candidate Profile

Candidate Activity

Candidate Details (Sub-Menu):

Certifications, Education, Employment, References, Skills, and Testing

Candidate Interviews

Candidate Offers

Offer Letter

Candidate Rejections

Rejection Letter

Report Output

Last revised:  Wednesday, May 18, 2016